Sunday, March 1, 2015

Gift of Gifts!

I come from the genealogical lines of some really incredible people.  One of the most notable gifts they have given me is a record of my genealogy.  This incredible gift is a result of personal sacrifice in time and money.   Many of these records have now been digitized and are available on the internet.  That means I can look at them anytime I want!

That is what I did a few years ago... scrolled backwards through many of my lines.  After 18+ hours looking at names and places that dated back more than a millennium, I noticed that some of the names were repeating.  I started making a list of those names that had historical meaning to me or pricked my interest.  In the end, I had a list of more than 55 names!  I have decided to share short blurbs about some of these individuals.  History is a lot more interesting when you know you have a connection to it! 

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