Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welcome Caleb!

My daughter and her husband just welcomed a new baby boy, Caleb, into their family.  As with their other children, Caleb was overdue, more than 10 pounds, and 23 inches long!

 I think lengthy gestations and big babies just run through a part of my family.  When Tara was born, she was over 8 pounds and measured 22 inches long.  I have included a picture of Tara and her cousin taken within a few weeks of their births.  These two babies were born within 7 days of each other.  It is true that Tara was 10 days late and her cousin was early, but look at the difference! 

 Announcing the birth of Tara's babies is always fun.  Both because of the announcement and also for the comments.  My mom said, "She spits them out half grown."  Todd's mother said, "I bet she is glad to have that over with."  In all, however, it think it is just as Tara's doctor said, "That's just the way God makes them." 

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