Monday, October 6, 2008

Tree Project

The porch off of my new condo faces north. It does not get a lot of sun. Hence, the grass in front of the porch does not grow and large spots are... mud. In order to improve the appearance through my windows, I took a section and planted a tree and a few shade plants. Hopefully these news plants will set good roots and look great in the spring.

After I had finished the project, I noticed that I no longer had my cell phone! I looked all over for it and could not find it. It had to be in the mulch. I used my house phone and called myself. I eventually found the phone in the bush below. I did not plant this section. This is where I used my left over mulch.

There was one other mishap during the project. I was using the garden tool called the claw. Generally, the claw is thrust into the ground and then twisted to move the dirt. On one of those thrust, I hit my second toe. Thank goodness I had shoes on! Below is the picture of the bruise. It has been a week now. You can barely see it any more.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Oh, looking at your toe makes my stomach hurt. The tree looks fantastic.